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Soils and vines in harmony: terroir blends

Soils and vines in harmony: terroir blends

Terroir is crucial in winemaking, as it has a direct impact on the quality of the grapes and, therefore, on the final taste of the product.

In the universe of contemporary winemaking, the term “terroir” has taken an unprecedented relevance. Today, the origin of a wine, with all its intrinsic characteristics, carries more weight than the type of grape from which it is made.

Terroir is crucial in winemaking, as it has a direct impact on the quality of the grapes and, therefore, on the final taste of the product. For example, a soil rich in minerals can bring unique notes to a wine, while a cooler climate will result in wines with higher acidity.

Each grape variety expresses itself in a unique and special way depending on where it comes from. A Malbec from Luján de Cuyo, for example, differs notably from one from San Rafael, Cafayate or Patagonia. The terroir imprints its distinctive stamp, manifesting itself in every sip of wine.

Soil, climate, latitude and altitude are decisive factors that influence the personality of the wine. This combination, in harmony with the winemaker’s skill, gives each wine an unparalleled singularity and uniqueness.

Another example is our Sauvignon Blanc, made with grapes from our vineyards in Maipú and the Uco Valley. This wine, backed by acidic freshness and great varietal typicity, reflects Mendoza’s identity in every sip.

This is why, following the same logic of varietals, winemakers have begun to produce terroir blends, blending grapes from different terroirs. The goal is to create elegant, distinctive and innovative products that are synonymous of quality and faithfully represent the identity of each region.

En nuestra bodega, destacamos varios ejemplos de blends de terroir. Por ejemplo, nuestro excepcional Paraíso es un blend que surge de las cosechas más destacadas de Gualtallary (Tupungato), Altamira (San Carlos) y Los Árboles (Tunuyán), donde cada suelo aporta su singularidad única.

Otro ejemplo es nuestro Sauvignon Blanc, elaborado con uvas provenientes de nuestros viñedos en Maipú y el Valle de Uco. Este vino, respaldado por la frescura ácida y la gran tipicidad varietal, refleja la identidad mendocina en cada sorbo.

En cada botella de nuestros blends de terroir, se encuentra la esencia y autenticidad de cada región, capturada y expresada de manera única. Es así como, en armonía con la naturaleza y la destreza del enólogo, logramos crear vinos excepcionales que representan lo mejor de los terruños mendocinos.

Nuestro compromiso con la excelencia y la búsqueda constante de la más alta calidad nos impulsa a seguir explorando las posibilidades que nos brinda la diversidad de nuestros viñedos. Cada botella es el resultado de un minucioso trabajo, donde se fusionan tradición y modernidad para ofrecer experiencias únicas a todos aquellos que eligen disfrutar de nuestros vinos.

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