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We are a 100% sustainable winery, we are a member of the
Argentine Business Council for Sustainable
Development (ODS)

The objective is to strengthen our sustainability management, consolidating and exposing our role in the
fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda.

Water Management

We have developed a Water Management Program, with the objective of optimizing its use throughout our production process.

We have flow meters that allow us to monitor our daily consumption, keep indicators and design action plans aimed at optimizing water use progressively.

We have a Treatment Plant that allows us to treat all the liquid effluents we generate and condition them so that they can be discharged into the Municipal Sewage Network. The effluents are finally reused for crop irrigation in controlled ACRES (Special Restricted Crops Area).

Efficient Energy and Emissions Management

We have developed an Efficient Energy Management Model under the guidelines of the ISO 50001 Standard in order to optimize our energy consumption, reduce operating costs, minimize greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our environmental footprint in a sustainable manner.

We also have an energy management system, Power Management, which allows us to monitor consumption by sector and implement measures to optimize its use.

Circular waste management

The waste we generate is considered valuable resources that re-enter the productive system as raw materials and are kept for as long as possible; this allows us to minimize the generation of Urban Solid Waste (USW) and avoid the consumption of new natural resources.

We are based on 3 key guidelines:

reducirREDUCE the amount of waste generated, using good production practices that allow us to minimize unnecessary waste.

reutilizarREUSE waste by giving it a second use, both inside and outside the winery (return to suppliers of dry goods and/or donation to the community).

reciclarRECYCLE waste with authorized operators. The economic resources obtained from the sale of these materials are destined to our Environmental Care Programs.


Basketry workshops reusing materials
Together with the Municipality of Luján de Cuyo, we carry out Basketry Workshops reusing materials, aimed at all those women who want to start their own business. The objective of this workshop is that they learn the craft of basketry and weaving and that they make products for daily use that they can
later sell to earn an economic income.

Alliance with the Cooperative “La Fortaleza de Mi Tierra”
We donate part of our plastic waste to the Cooperative with the aim of collaborating with the Municipal Urban Recoverers and promoting social inclusion.


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